Monday, August 28, 2017

A visit to Sangam Nagri - Prayagraj (Allahabad) , Uttar Pradesh

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A visit to Sangam Nagri - Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh

Allahabad, a city in the State of Uttar PradeshIndia is an important tourist destination attracting a large number of tourists annually. Enriched with a glorious history and being one of the oldest cities in the world, Allahabad has several historical monuments from different periods of Indian History, from the tomb of Khusru, in Khusrobagh which was built during the medieval period under Mughal Rule to All Saints Cathedral in Civil Lines built during the British Raj to Alopi Devi Mandir in Alopibagh which is one of the oldest Hindu temples built during the ancient period. Several more historical locations like the Allahabad Fort built by Emperor Akbar during the Mughal Rule to several ancient Hindu temples like the Hanuman Temple near Sangam adorn the city. Allahabad is also famous worldwide for the Kumbh Mela, a holy religious gathering of Hindu pilgrims which also attracts a large number of tourists and has been taking place in the city from ancient times. There are several other places of interest like the Allahabad University which was built by the British during the British Raj to several contemporary monuments, each depicting a different time-period in the history of the city.

two holy rivers Ganges and Yamuna meet.



1) Triveni Sangam

Type - Water body
Period - 
Description - It is the "confluence" of two physical rivers GangesYamuna, and the invisible or mythic Saraswati. It is a place of religious importance and the site for historic Kumbh Mela held every 12 years.

2) Alfred Park

Type - Park
Period - 1931
Description - Also known as Chandrashekhar Azad Park and Company Garden it is a public park of 133 acres area and is the biggest park in Allahabad.[1] It is renamed after freedom fighter Chandra Shekhar Azad, who sacrificed his life here, during the Indian independence struggle in 1931.

3) All Saints Cathedral

Type - Church
Period - 1887
Description - A noted Anglican Cathedral in Allahabad.It is an example of 13th-century Gothic style  buildings in Asia built by the British during their rule in India. In 1871 AD, British architect Sir William Emerson, architect of Victoria MemorialKolkata, designed this monument. It was consecrated in 1887.

4) Allahabad Fort

Type - Fort
Period - 
Description - Allahabad Fort was built by Emperor Ashoka but repaired by Emperor Akbar in 1583. The fort stands on the banks of the Yamuna near the confluence with the river Ganges. It is the largest fort built by Akbar. In its prime, the fort was unrivaled for its design, construction and craftsmanship. This huge fort has three galleries flanked by high towers.

5) Allahabad High Court

Type - High Court
Period - 1869
Description - A fine example of Georgian architectureit was one of the first high courts to be established in India.

6) Allahabad Museum

Type - Museum
Period - 1931
Description - Established in 1931, it is known for its rich collection and unique objects of art, and is funded by Ministry of Culture.

7) Allahabad University

Type - University
Period - 1887
Description - One of the oldest universities established in the Indian subcontinent. Its origins lie in the Muir Central College, named after Lt. Governor of North-Western ProvincesSir William Muir in 1876, who suggested the idea of a Central University at Allahabad, which later evolved to the present university.[6][7] At one point it was called the "Oxford of the East",[8]

8) Anand Bhavan

Type - Museum

Period - 1930

Description - Anand Bhavan is a large bungalow in Allahabad which has been turned into museum. It was constructed by Indian political leader Motilal Nehru in the 1930s to serve as the new residence of the Nehru family when the original mansion Swaraj Bhavan was transformed into the local headquarters of the Indian National Congress.

9) Civil Lines

Type - Area

Period - 19th Century

Description - Formerly known as Cannington[9] it is the central business district of Allahabad, and is famous for its urban setting, gridiron plan roads[10] and high rise buildings. The area was built by the British during the heyday of the British Raj and was a residential colony of the British at that time. The present day Civil Lines has several skyscrapers and modern buildings which show the constant change taking place in the city

10) Jawahar Planetarium

Type - Planetarium

Period - 1979

Description - The planetarium was built in 1979 and is situated beside Anand Bhavan, the former residence of the Nehru-Gandhi family. It is managed by the 'Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund' (estb. 1964), which has its headquarters at Teen Murti House, New Delhi.[11]

11) Khusro Bagh

Type - Garden

Period - 18th Century

Description - It is a large walled mughal garden surrounding the mausoleums of Khusrau Mirza(died 1622), eldest son of emperor JahangirShah Begum, Khusrau's mother (died 1604), a Rajput princess and Jahangir's first wife, and that of Princess Sultan Nithar Begam (died c.1624), Khusrau's sister.[12] It presents an exquisite example of Mughal architecture

12) Kumbh Mela

Type - Festival

Period - 

Description - It is a mass Hindu pilgrimage of faith in which Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred river. It is considered to be largest peaceful gathering in the world with over 100 million people visiting during the Maha Kumbh Mela in 2013.[13]

13) Mayo Memorial Hall

Type - Meeting Hall

Period - 1879

Description - A large meeting hall in Allahabad, situated near the Thornhill Mayne Memorial, was meant for public meetings, balls and receptions in commemoration of the assassinated Viceroy.[14] Mayo Memorial Hall was designed by Richard Roskell Bayneand was completed in 1879.[15

14) Minto Park

Type - Park

Period - 19th Century

Description - The park is a historical site for in 1858 Earl Canning read out the declaration of Queen Victoria's Proclamation which resulted in the complete transfer of control over Indiafrom The East India Company to the government of Britain.[16][17]

15) New Yamuna Bridge

Type - Cable Bridge

Period - 2004

Description - It is the longest cable-stayed bridge of India, located in Allahabad[18][19][20] The bridge was constructed by the end of 2004 with the aim of minimizing the traffic over the Old Naini Bridge.[21] The bridge runs North-South across the Yamuna river connecting the city of Allahabad to its neighborhood of Naini.

16) Ulta Qila

Type - Fort

Period - 1855

Description - This mound, on which Samudra Koop & Ulta Qila are located, is also known as ‘Kot’. A big walled well is located on the mound. It is believed that this ‘Samudra Koop’ is the one, which is aptly described in Matsya Puran & Padm Puran while archaeologists believe that it was built during the reign of Samudra Gupta hence this name. Till 1855, this area was in the form of a mound only but in the same year a Vaishnav saint Sudarshan Das from Ayodhya renovated the well and got an ashram & a temple built here. This area has big stairs on the Ganges side along with many caves. Five similar wells are found in Ujjain, Mathura, Allahabad, Varanasi & Patalpur also.
Harbenga, the local ruler was very cruel. He hatched the conspiracy of maligning the Sheikh Taqui Baba- a local saint. As a consequence of curses of baba, his evil designs boom ranged and his fort got topsiturveyed (Ulta Qila) and his set up was totally destroyed in a big fire, so the place came to be known as Jhulsi or Jhunsi. But according to some documents released by the Archaeological Department, this incidence happened due to the curses of Guru Gorakhnath, the disciple of Matseyndra Nath.

17) Swaraj Bhavan

Type - Mansion

Period - 19th Century

Description - A large mansion located in Allahabad which was owned by Indian political leader Motilal Nehru in the 19th century, it has served as the ancestral home of the Nehru-Gandhi Family — future Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi was born there. The First Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru was however not born in Anand Bhawan.[22]

18) Thornhill Mayne Memorial

Type - Library

Period - 1878

Description - It is a public library situated at Alfred Park. Designed by Richard Roskell Bayne and completed in 1878, it is a remarkable example of Gothic Style.[15] It was opened as a memorial to the friendship of Lord Thornhill, the Commissioner of Allahabad and Mr. Mayne, the Collector. The monument has served as the house of legislative assembly in British era when Allahabad was the capital of United Provinces.






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Sunday, August 27, 2017

A visit to Dewa Sharif Dargah - Barabanki , Uttar Pradesh

Dewa Sharif is a famous pilgrimage town about 25 km from Lucknow in Barabanki district. It is the seat of renowned shrine of Sufi Saint Haji Waris Ali Shah, an exponent of universal brotherhood and has a special place in the history of Awadh. Haji Waris Ali Shah commanded mystical powers and revered by members of all communities. His father Qurban Ali Shah too was a Sufi Saint. Devotees from far off places visit their "Mazars", popularly known as Dewa Sharif.

  • A splendid monument stands in his memory in Dewa which is visited by his followers in large numbers throughout the year. On the occasion of the annual Urs, a 10 days fair is held here in the month of October-November every year known as Dewa Mela to commemorate the saint. It includes an all India Mushaira, Kavi Sammelan, music performances etc.






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Saturday, August 26, 2017

A visit to Red Fort (Lal Qila) , Delhi

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   A visit to Red Fort (LAl Qila),Delhi

The Red Fort is a historical fort in the city of Delhi in India. It was the main residence of the emperors of the Mughal dynasty for nearly 200 years, until 1857. It is located in the center of Delhi and houses a number of museums. In addition to accommodating the emperors and their households, it was the ceremonial and political centre of the Mughal state and the setting for events critically impacting the region.

In 1638 Shahjahan transferred his capital from Agra to Delhi and laid the foundations of Shahjahanabad, the seventh city of Delhi. It is enclosed by a rubble stone wall, with bastions, gates and wickets at intervals. Of its fourteen gates, the important ones are the Mori, Lahori, Ajmeri, Turkman, Kashmiri and Delhi gates, some of which have already been demolished. His famous citadel, the Lal-Qila, or the Red Fort, lying at the town's northern end on the right bank or the Yamuna and south of Salimgarh, was begun in 1639 and completed after nine years. The Red Fort is different from the Agra fort and is better planned, because at its back lies the experience gained by Shahjahan at Agra, and because it was the work of one hand. It is an irregular octagon, with two long sides on the east and west, and with two main gates, one on the west and the other on the south, called Lahori and Delhi gates respectively. While the walls, gates and a few other structures in the fort are constructed of red sandstone, marble has been largely used in the palaces.

From the western gateway after passing through the vaulted arcade, called Chhatta-Chowk, one reaches the Naubat- or Naqqar-Khana ('Drum-house'), where ceremonial music was played and which also served as the entrance to the Diwan-i-'Am. Its upper storey is now occupied by the Indian War Memorial Museum.

Entrance Of Red Fort

The Diwan-i-' Am ('Hall of Public Audience') is a rectangular hall, three aisle deep, with a façade of nine arches. At the back of the hall is an alcove, where the royal throne stood under a marble canopy, with an inlaid marble dias below it for the prime minister. The wall behind the throne is ornamented with beautiful panels of pietra dura work, said to have been executed by Austin de Bordeaux, a Florentine artist. Orpheus with his lute is represented in one of the panels here. Originally there were six marble palaces along the eastern water front. Behind the Diwan-i-' Am but separated by a court is the Rang-Mahal ('Painted Palace'), so called owing to coloured decoration on its interior. It consists of a main hall with an arched front, with vaulted chambers on either end. A water-channel, called the Nahr-i-Bihisht ('Stream of Paradise'), ran down through it, with a central marble basin fitted with an ivory fountain. The Mumtaz-Mahal, originally an important apartment in the imperial seraglio, now houses the Delhi Fort Museum.

Inside Red Fort

The Diwan-i-Khass ('Hall of Private Audience') is a highly-ornamented pillared hall, with a flat ceiling supported on engrailed arches. The lower portion of its piers is ornamented with floral pietra dura panels, while the upper portion was originally gilded and painted. Its marble dias is said to have supported the famous Peacock Throne, carried away by the Persian invader Nadir Shah.

The Tasbih-Khana ('chamber for counting beads for private prayers') consists of three rooms, behind which is the Khwabgah ('sleeping-chamber'). On the northern screen of the former is a representation of the Scales of Justice, which are suspended over a crescent amidst stars and clouds. Adjoining the eastern wall of the Khwabgah is the octagonal Muthamman-Burj, from where the emperor appeared before his subjects every morning. A small balcony, which projects from the Burj, was added here in 1808 by Akbar Shah II, and it was from this balcony that King George V and Queen Mary appeared before the people of Delhi in December 1911.

The Hammam ('Bath') consists of three main apartments divided by corridors. The entire interior, including the floor, is built of marble and inlaid with coloured stones. The baths were provided with 'hot and cold water’, and it is said that one of the fountains in the easternmost apartment emitted rose water. To the west of the Hammam is the Moti-Masjid ('Pearl Mosque'), added later by Aurangzeb. The Hayat-Bakhsh-Bagh ('Life-giving garden'), with its pavilions, lies to the north of the mosque, and was later considerably altered and reconstructed. The red-stone pavilion in the middle of the tank in the centre of the Hayat-Bakhsh-Bagh is called Zafar-Mahal and was built by Bahadur Shah II in about 1842.

In 1644, Shahjahan commenced in Delhi his great mosque, the Jami'- Masjid the largest mosque in India, and completed it in 1650. Its square quadrangle with arched cloisters on the sides and a tank in the centre is 100 m. wide. Built on a raised plinth, it has three imposing gateways approached by long flights of steps. Its prayer-hall, with a facade of eleven arches, flanked by a four-storeyed minaret on either end, is covered by three large domes ornamented with alternating stripes of 'black and white marble.

*Entrance Fee:

Citizens of India and visitors of SAARC (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and Afghanistan) and BIMSTEC Countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar) - Rs.30 per head.


Rs. 500/- per head (Free entry to children up to 15 years)


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A visit to city of Rani Laxmi Bai - Jhansi ,Uttar Pradesh

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